Monday, 20 March 2017


Dedicated to the divers that risked their lives for the pearls,
to those that risked their lives for humanity Mungo Park, 
Orville and Wilbur – Wright brothers, great divers in 
our Atlantic ocean, and all the doctors that partook
 in the treatment of Ebola.

 June 4, 2016.

Her gift is something wonderfully there, in warm up for her calamity.
Suicide for you as life with you alone. 
For a better look from her, as her throbbing death for your happy.
Hmm happy I say, Utter happy I insist! Painful happy anyway,
Her luxurious, unique, and pleasant makeup allows her to die
For you. Your serum, hardworking in authentic endorsements
Of how you never got her from a shallow puddle, and how
You become ruby, a pebble, a gritstone, a gravel. Then, canyon
Yourself from the peak Himalayas, hindes, Kilimanjaro,
Booneroot mountains, and see as the steep bodies gaze
From within, as part of the evidence for a funeral
 Of choice and still in reality you added to the beauty
 Of  life. As a pudding for wolves, grizzlies and the
Underbelly walking cougars – a stealthy position
 By mountain lions.

You die and die, for you, for her never existed on land,
In your quest for her taste of death, she stays like the rhythms of nature.
In the making to be threadbare, by not you or
Perchance some mortals from else or you though.
Only if you get there alive, alive in your water underwear of breath,
As you grew web-feet, hairs of fibre, body beleaguered nitrogen, and nerves
For your fret and fear. An unscrupulous male day! Really.

The security of her jewel will gobble you, then to him, you an insignificant
Twine of nodule in the belly of a yearlong, famished African elephant.
Hello Mr, now you deserve it. The way you died several of your best,
Made a shortlist for the best of deaths, and then pick the best of your death.
The way you staggered with a lidded gaze amidst ocean snakes.
, the twilling of scuba divers in greens, pinks,
Urchins, orange, orcas black, pouring whales and seahorses for a pearl,
I mean real pearls; pearls on an intricate floor at least one compulsory death
For a pearl, the massacre of ocean floor oysters - her,
The jeopardy of a diver’s life for the jewel beneath the shell.
The murderous history behind every beautiful pearl
 From an oyster.

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